Live & work

purpose driven

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 Be Your True Self

You are driven, you work hard and have quite some life experience and, probably business
wise as well. You are (again) at a crossroads in your life and ready for a change. For a long
time you have let your decisiveness and power of thinking lead you, often going fast forward.
Now you notice some friction in one or more aspects in your life: work, friendships,
relationship, family and/or your living environment. You think that the path
you have taken is no longer yours, the question is now ‘what is’ and ‘how to get there’?


As a mentor, life coach and/or business coach I’ll help you to make a
breakthrough, by making visible what is (still) invisible for you. I help you:


Get to the core, and recognize and acknowledge who you truly are
Use your intuition in addition to your intellect
Learn to feel better and make heartfelt choices, using your inner authority (Human Design)
Create clarity about your purpose and live (and work) according to it
Recognize your added value and magnify this in what you do
Bring order to the chaos in your head and take concrete next steps




Cover Be relentlessly yourself

Be relentlessly yourself


I would wish everyone to read this beautiful, insightful book at some point on their life journey towards fully embracing who they are, owning their space and daring to be relentlessly themselves. This is the sort of book that stays with you and that you return to on a regular basis, to remind yourself of what really matters, of how much more you are than what you sometimes believe.”

Order the book
Warm, involved and razor-sharp in analysis
“Evelien guided me closer to my feelings. I have learned to be gentle with myself and make heartfelt choices, both business wise as well as privately. Evelien helped me gain insight into my behavior, taught me to recognize and break through patterns. The coaching sessions with Evelien were extremely valuable and enjoyable. It felt right from the first moment. She is fully present, creates a space of ease and calmness. Besides being warm, loving and involved, she is also very powerful. She has a passion for people and her profession, which you’ll instantly notice. She has a strong sense for others, is razor-sharp in her analysis, therefore quickly gets to the core of the matter. She holds up a mirror and isn't afraid to confront, in her own gentle way. I highly recommend Evelien as a life business coach. Her sincere attention, warmth and enthusiasm will help you take next steps.”
– Joep de Cock
An acute mirror to reflect in and very alert
“I went through Evelien’s coaching program as I wanted to discover how I could be even more connected to my true “I” in my work. Evelien showed me how I could improve connection with my authentic self, and we mapped out my 'why'. I experienced Evelien as calm and at the same time challenging and confronting where necessary. She is an acute mirror to reflect in, very alert to your habits and thoughts.”
– Valerie Hirschhauser – FRANK about Tea
Very involved and professional
“As a trainer and coach, I very much enjoy having Evelien as my business coach. I am happy for her to coach me on all topics concerning my business. I find her calmness and ability to create an open and save space, combined with her involvement, humour and passion, a real must-do for all independent entrepreneurs. Evelien does not shy away from resistance or considerably difficult situations. She remains calm, maintains an overview and has a committed and professional approach.”
– Astrid Kies, Kies, voor jezelf
Klanten over Evelien van Es coach voor ondernemers en executives
She doesn't need much to see right through you
“I wanted to grow, both personally and professionally. I was looking for a solid foundation and struggled to manifest myself. I was also looking for a good sparring partner. With Evelien’s help, I clarified exactly what I want and how I will implement it. I made concrete choices and developed new plans under her guidance. Evelien has a warm personality. She doesn't need much to see right through you, so you quickly get to the core. She holds up a mirror and is not afraid to confront you with it. Evelien works with a clear plan, the Signature 4 Success® method. That provides a good foundation. At the same time, she is flexible in how she applies it and, together with you, assesses the needs per session. If you are looking for a coach who can confront you, enthuse you and give you clarity, then you have a wonderful and warm-hearted one in Evelien.”
– Helga van Geldrop, Puur Yoga

Free E-Book

Sign up now for this Free E-book ’11 Key Insights for Successful Business Owners’, if you want to build a lasting business on an authentic foundation. Insights I would have eagerly wanted to know back in 2006 when I started my business.
Free E-Book

Free Discovery Call

Is there anything in your life, privately and/or business/career
wise that you are struggling with? Then book your 
free 30 minute video call. I will share with you 
on the spot what it is I can do to help you.
Free Discovery Call
Evelien is able to deeply feel like no other can


“In my search for the right coach who could guide me to dive into what I feel and how to be able to connect deeper with my true self; I ended up with Evelien. A life coach who can sense like no other with a lot of experience. She tickled both my heart and mind. Helped me break through patterns. Evelien gave me many new insights and helped me get to the core of myself. She also challenged me. All this is done in a casual setting and always surrounded by the unique, magic energy that Evelien brings along and radiates has been very pleasant. I can say that I now live a complete different life. This was the best gift I ever gave myself.”


– Chris van Luxemburg

Life Coaching

Sometimes things happen in life that you find yourself stuck with. A separation, a loss, illness or a business issue may have huge impact on you. This can also be an old and unprocessed pain. You realize that work needs to be done to create a breakthrough. Imagine what it would be like to be in a safe environment where you can immerse and be supported by a guide who helps you create clarity from within. To have someone who sees you, beyond what is visible to you now. Someone who helps you to see yourself, to create space and helps you navigate through life. The credo is ‘form inside out’. It‘s your time now to transform suffering into leading.
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Business coaching

It is time for a change with your business. You need a breath of fresh. Either by growing your business or work with different type of clients. You may be on the threshold of making choices, and are perhaps ready for a completely new way of working. What is withholding you from taking next steps? Effective business coaching requires clarity about underlying themes that impact who you are, what you radiate, and what drives you. As a coach I’ll guide you in creating clarity from within, in order for you make the right choices and create space for further development. The result is a business signature, customers and offerings that are in alignment with you, whilst you will experience fulfillment.
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“I am a fan of Evelien’s. She is very business minded, with also a soft side and I really like that balance. She challenges you to step out of your comfort zone, whilst remaining at the same time very patient. She possesses enormous business insight and has a clear answer to every question or objection. What comes to mind are the words sensitive, sharp and strategic. And that is really how she is. The method Evelien uses as a life business coach is fantastic and effective. I now know clearly what my unique added value is, what I offer and with whom I prefer to work.”


– Sophie Dierickx, Appleblueseagreen
“Evelien helped me to discover my uniqueness and that is what I have been seeking. After the first session she already helped me a lot, to become calmer and more confident about who I am and what I have to offer. She perfectly guided me to look at the things I wasn’t able to notice myself. I now have a deeper understanding of myself. You are a great coach. It really is rocket science what you’ve been doing with me. You have been very supportive and 100% present in the coaching sessions, fully focusing on my needs and supporting me in building my business. Thanks a million, Evelien.”


– Anonymous
“I am really pleased that I was able to do a coaching program with Evelien. It has brought me tremendous results in a short period of time. I was a workaholic and was stuck in patterns and beliefs. Evelien quickly sees what is at hand and guides you in a pleasant way; passionate and competent. I have gained many insights, including my inner compass, which proves to be a solid guide in making the right choices. Like an express train, I have carried out intentions and objectives that have been on the radar for years but were just not happening. I highly recommend Evelien as a life business coach.”


– Tom Serroels, Excellencio
I wish everyone a journey of discovery with Evelien as a guide


“Evelien’s energy is incredibly nice & warm energy. She has given me deeper insight into ingrained patterns and conditioning from my past. I now live more from my own source and strength, and I know what is good for me. I’d wish for everyone such a valuable journey of discovery with Evelien as a guide. Thanks!”


– Aron Kalsbeek
A Discovery Journey of Myself


I took one-on-one coaching sessions with Evelien for several months and personally speaking, I consider this extremely useful. It helped me figure out my capabilities and skills as a person and how I can apply this to my work environment. She supported me in finding my strengths and my improvement areas. The coaching I received felt like a true discovery journey of myself.”


– Roberto Vetrano

If you do what you love, and what you are designed for, you will experience effortlessness and harmony.

Sign up now for a free discovery call

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